Frequently Asked Questions

Is Contapp available in the App Store?

Yes – Contapp can be downloaded for free on the Apple App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices.

How do I digitally manage my printed business cards?

Once you download Contapp, click Scan Card which is in the middle of the homepage. For the best accuracy, make sure the picture is visible and the background is clear.


Once scanning has been completed, all information will be auto-populated and it will create a digital business card. You can add any extra information and then save the business card.


Our technology uses Google Machine Learning which is a market leader. Whilst scanning can sometimes be misplaced, the accuracy will improve as you continue to scan.

Do I need anything else to be able to scan paper business cards to my smartphone?

All you need is the Contapp app downloaded on your smartphone. Once it has downloaded, select yes when Contapp requests access to use the camera and location when Contapp is in use.

Can I still create my profile if I do not have a business card already?

Yes – If you do not already have a paper Business Card to scan, you can manually create your digital business card very quickly and easily. Click My Card and then Create Card. Here you will be able to manually add/edit all the relevant information you would like your recipients to see when you share your digital business card.

Are my personal details secure?

Yes, we prioritise the security of all user data and their business contacts information as an absolute priority.


To comply with very stringent GDPR laws, we have gone above and beyond to make sure that our users trust Contapp with the safe handling and storing of their personal data. This also includes saving our data in two seperate data centres, to avoid any potential issues that could occur, as a precaution. We will not share user’s personal data with any third-party company. Our secure infrastructure means your data will be in safe hands of Contapp.


The security of our users data is our priority, always.

Can I share digital business cards with people who do not have Contapp?

Yes, which makes Contapp such a flexible tool. If the recipient doesn’t have Contapp but you wanted to share your digital business card with them via Contapp, it can easily be done. Go to My Card and click Share Card. Select Social option to send to non-Contapp users.


Here you will have a selection of different methods to share you digital business card via messaging platforms and other native platforms such as AirDrop or Android Beam.


The recipient will then have the choice to download Contapp and upload your digital business card into their Contapp app, which will appear in their library.

Where can I find more information about Contapp?

Website: You can find out more about Contapp via our website.

Social Media: Alternatively, you can follow us on our social media pages: Linkedin, Facebook & Instagram.

Digital Updates: To keep in the loop of the latest news, app updates, competition and more, subscribe to our digital updates in the footer.

Contact Us: To speak to a member of our friendly team, visit our contact us page.


We look forward to engaging with you!

Can I export my library as a CSV File/spreadsheet?

Yes, it can be done but only for those with the Professional & Enterprise Premium Plans.


Go to the Backup Data section of the app and click Export. Select the group you’d like to export into a CSV file and add a file name for the export. Once this is done, click Save to Local Storage to begin the download. If you are doing this on an Android device, you also have the option to share your exported file on the Cloud.

Can I edit and delete scanned business cards from my library?

Yes – If you click on the business card in your library that you would like to edit or delete and then click on the three grey dots on the bottom corner, you will have the option to share, edit or delete.

How do I report a bug?

Nothing’s perfect, but we’re trying our best to be.


If you are experiencing any issues with the Contapp app, please go to your side menu in the app and click Report a Bug.


Alternatively, you can contact our team on [email protected] and we will work on resolving the issue as a matter of urgency.

Got a Question for the Team?

We’d love to hear from you, whether it’s a question or some feedback

Ready to try Contapp?

Available to download for free