Virtual Events Meets the Modern Day Business Card: Save Time, Money & the Planet

Digitalisation is happening all around us, especially in a business environment.

The pandemic has been the cause to accelerate this modern change and to be honest, most of us prefer it. It’s more sustainable, more affordable and better access in a virtual environment.

One area which has really taken off in terms of becoming more ‘digital friendly’ is the way we build relationships and network across the world. 

We came across an exciting platform called Tevent. We realised that with our worlds combined and shared audience, it creates a perfect match for businesses/individuals to benefit hugely in today’s virtual landscape. 

Virtual events meet a streamlined, all-in-one digital solution for business cards. Perfect!

In this article, we dive deeper into how your business can benefit from merging Tevent’s virtual events and the modern day business card solution, Contapp.

The Affordable Solution for Startups & SME’s

The average setup, marketing and running of a corporate event is around £15,000 – which is a pretty lumpy sum of money for startups and SME’s. 

This also includes the print and hassle of ordering business cards at an average of £200 per person (plus an 88% chance the printed business card you give to someone will be thrown away within a week).

Taking these two price points into consideration, it’s no surprise that business owners and Startup Founders are moving away from the conventional networking events and conferences. It doesn’t make sense from a costing POV when budgets can be tight.

Tevent and Contapp pride themselves on being an affordable solution, aimed at Startups and SME’s. 

Cost: Why Contapp Instead of Printed Business Cards?

We believe that using business tools to help boost productivity and convenience shouldn’t come at a cost. But sometimes, we need more than just the basics.

As well as our feature-rich free plan, we have also introduced affordable premium plans from just £1.33 per month, per user.

Our focus is to provide added value to all levels of business professionals, hence why our pricing is extremely competitive. Whether you’re in college, a trainee, business owner or a manager, anyone would be able to afford our business tool, as opposed to designing & printing business cards.

Discover our premium plans here.

Cost: Why Tevent Instead of In-person Events?

With events being created in a virtual environment for free on Tevent and comparing that to the pricing mentioned above, it’s a clear reason why you should consider virtual events. 

There are a lot of video conference platforms available, however Tevent prides itself with a package that provides lots of value, without the big price tag.

This is why we believe as a Contapp user, Tevent is a great option to have for hosting events and networking in a virtual space.

How to Take Advantage of the Sustainability Benefits

Businesses are all trying to boost our sustainability credentials, contributing towards making a positive impact on the planet. This is something that we hold very close to our heart and is one of our main missions at Contapp.

Did you know, by switching from printed business cards to Contapp, we would all save 7.2 million trees per year? It’s a crazy fact, which is also worrying.

In terms of events, we found the difference between the carbon emissions of a 2-day conference containing 1,000 attendees and a virtual event hosted on Tevent is huge. It’s enough to power 206 homes for a year.

So if your business wants to be eco-friendly, you should really consider a simple swap to Contapp & Tevent for business cards and hosting virtual events.

Eco-friendly: Why Contapp Instead of Printed Business Cards?

We pride ourselves to add value to business professionals, whilst reducing paper waste globally. Which is why our 100% paperless, all-in-one business card solution is hands down the best option in today’s digital world. 

No paper waste. No manual typing from paper to desktop/smartphone. COVID-free, contactless business card sharing & management.

Eco-friendly: Why Tevent Instead of In-person Events?

Virtual events require next to nothing in terms of resources, apart from a laptop with internet connection.

Whereas in-person events have a lot of things you’d need to consider, which come at a cost and can be seen as damaging to the planet. For example, finding a location and printed collateral for the event.

Virtual events can be kept to an absolute minimum in terms of running a smooth, eco-friendly event. It’s the perfect option for those looking to make a positive impact on the planet, whilst engaging in a fantastic event.

Understanding Why Convenience is Key

It’s hard to put a price on convenience because a lot of us prioritise it above anything else in business. If a business tool saves you time, it’s considered a vital tool for your day to day job. Time is money, afterall. 

We found that this is why Contapp is so popular amongst those that use business cards on a regular basis, such as business owners or sales/marketing professionals (just to name a few).

For example, 96% of the people we surveyed said they didn’t use business cards because they were difficult to manage

However convenience is certainly one of the biggest selling points for digital solutions like Contapp or Tevent, as opposed to it’s more conventional counterparts. With virtual events, you can network and attend conferences at the comfort of your own home. 

Convenience: Why Contapp Instead of Printed Business Cards?

Printed business cards are just pieces of paper with printed details on them, that’s it. So when it comes to using that data or storing that information, you need to manually type it into a CRM or your smartphone. Plus, they require face to face interaction if you want to share your business card. 

Whereas Contapp is completely flexible and puts convenience at the forefront. You can share your Contapp digital business card virtually (via email or any messaging platform) or face to face, using proximity technology. Saved directly to a user’s smartphone. 

Our business card scanning feature allows you to capture the data of a business card and save it in digital format, via the app. That means you can use, manage and store that business card in your smartphone, with the help of Cloud backup for all users.

With some exciting benefits coming along our roadmap to streamline the way we use and manage business card data, the convenience of our user-friendly platform will only improve further. 

Convenience: Why Tevent Instead of In-person Events?

As a virtual event platform, you can invite as many people as you want to attend and take part in the event. Anyone in the world can join from the comfort of their own home or office. 

This easy access will make for a larger number of people attending your events and engaging amongst each other. Normally these events are free as well, however that’s completely up to the event organiser. Whereas in-person events almost always come at a cost, because they have to cover their own expenses.

In terms of convenience, virtual events are here to stay because they are so convenient and provide lots of value, without having to leave your seat. 

Final Thoughts: Why You Should Switch to Contapp & Tevent

If you’re a business owner or a Startup Founder, it’s critical that you keep up with the latest digital trends to beat or keep up with your competitors.

If convenience, cost and boosting your sustainability credicatials are a high priority of yours, then look no further than Contapp and Tevent. As opposed to printed business cards and solely focusing on in-person events & networking. 

Start now by downloading Contapp today for free on iOS & Android, to benefit from our all-in-one business card solution. 

We’re looking forward to having you part of our growing community!

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